Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm a Tough Mudder

Okay, so when you think of tough, confident, awesome chicks, what comes to mind?

I'm guessing you are not thinking the same thing I am, but that's okay because mud is not usually the first thing that comes to someone's mind when they think of the word awesome. However, I think mud is totally awesome. And, I think women who run like maniacs through mud are totally awesome. And, so, I am going to run my 3rd mud race this Sunday. Why? Well, have you been's going to be AWESOME! Okay...definite overuse of the word awesome. But, seriously, I can't wait to run the Warrior Dash. It's like a 5K gone wild with mud, mud, mud and some minor (hee-hee) obstacles to deal with. You know...walls, ropes, tunnels, tires, barbed wire, fire...just your ordinary balls to the wall type of entertainment. And, need I not forget the complimentary warrior helmets and beer?!?! Now, I don't drink beer, but I have a funny feeling most people running the race do and will and therefore, I'm guessing there will be nothing funnier than a bunch of drunks running through mud. The best part about this whole Warrior Dash thing? I convinced a group of friends to run their very first mud race with me. I probably won't end up converting them to my madness, but I'm putting my money on them having some kickass stories to tell later on and walking away from the finish line feeling like they could conquer the world...the universe...all while completely bathed in gooey brown poo! So, if you happen to be at the Warrior Dash Sunday, look for a group of tough women with hot pink shirts and Pink's very own words plastered across the front...Dirty Little Freaks. Appropriately named, yes?

As for training, I have been taking full advantage of the monsoon-like weather we've been getting this week, and I have done some pre-race mud running. I know, I're thinking I'm crazy and why would anyone want to willingly get muddied up? All I can say is...try it. Try it once. Try it twice. What the Hell, go for three times. It's a rush! You let yourself go, and just go for it. Uh...there's that IT again. It's that feeling you get when you are invincible. You feel tough. You feel strong. You feel like you can rock it out because you took a chance and tried something out of the ordinary. Like running through miles of mud....and other stuff. And, when you feel tough, you have no choice but to feel pretty damn good about yourself. That, I can promise you, makes every inch of mud well worth it.


  1. That was awesome! Oops! Can I still use that word???

  2. HA! Awesome is just one of those words that never goes out of style...; )
